Drawing luck to yourself when you’ve hit a bad patch isn’t any more “unnatural”
than heating your house in the winter.     – Mountain Ash

For thousands of years, spiritual workers have been called upon to protect their town or their tribe from natural disaster, famine, unfriendly spirits and hostile magic. That work is still possible.

Magical protection is still a common feature of everyday life. The red thread around Madonna’s wrist; the utterance of “Bless you!” or “Gesundheit!” when someone sneezes; even politely turning away a compliment – these are all efforts to protect oneself on the spiritual level.

Hoodoo has a large repetoire of “tricks” to protect against violence, injustice
in court, and many other threats both “ordinary” and spiritual.

The first step in changing your luck is cleansing. Just because your luck has been bad, that does not mean you are under a curse. A long stretch of bad luck can produce a “yellow waxy buildup” of disappointment, pessimism, learned helplessness and “what’s-the-use” thinking. This must be cleared away if your luck is to change. There are many ways to spiritually cleanse your house or yourself. One of the easiest is to sprinkle salt and pepper on all your floors and sweep out your house. Start on the top floor at the back of the house, and work down to the front door.

Often nothing more than cleansing is required to change your luck.

In tougher cases, uncrossing may be required. There is a certain amount of overlap between cleansing and uncrossing, but uncrossing is a more focussed effort. Uncrossing is mostly jinx-breaking. However, uncrossing techniques have also been used for “heavy-duty cleansing”, as well as the breaking of jinxes and deliberate curses.

Once your house and self are clean of past bad luck or unhappiness, you must protect yourself. There is a vast library of methods for doing this, depending on your needs, preferences, personality, and the likely source of future troubles.

On top of that, you may wish to do some work to actively bring in good luck, i.e., for love, prosperity, or just general Coincidence Management ™.

We are not talking about a magic lamp with a genie in it – although you
might very well end up with a talisman that needs rubbing from time to time.
But when Coincidence Management™ comes
into play, it usually looks completely natural. The job offer that comes just
in time, or the lover that you meet the week after you light that candle, have
been wending their way to you for years, without any deliberation at all.

Would they have come to you anyway? Perhaps not. That is why Coincidence needs

Text © 2005 by HoodooFoundry.com


2 thoughts on “Change Your Luck

  1. what do you charger to light a 7 day candle- need to find a great paying Job need to stay focused on my career & hobbies people say they will help and don’t keep their word. it’s more like taking advantage of me. so they can gain from the situation. from my bosses to my ball coaches to so called friends and people in general. they take my kindness for a weakness. I just want to be more focused/ more courage/ stronger mentally and physically../ more Business oriented..thanks

    1. I like a client who knows exactly what he needs 🙂 I charge $20 for a single candle, $40 for two, and $60 for three — the 4th is free.

      I don’t have a proper storefront, but you can order candles here. Scroll down to “Using the PayPal Menu.” You can only order single candles from there – we really need to work on that. If you want more, email me and I’ll send you a PayPal invoice.

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